Prostate Cancer MSK 22-419
A two-arm randomized controlled trial (RCT) of exercise therapy or usual care for about 6 to 12 months. Exercise treatment will consist of individualized walking delivered up to five (5) times weekly following a non-linear dosing schedule of between 225 and 300 mins/wk. All exercise sessions will be home-based, implemented and monitored using a telemedicine approach (i.e., DigITx) established in the Exercise-Oncology (ExOnc) Service at MSK. HHC patients would only need to attend on site visits for consent and bloodwork.
Key Inclusion Criteria:
- Men with histologically confirmed localized prostate cancer undergoing active surveillance.
- Inactive, defined as not meeting the national exercise guidelines for cancer patients (<150 minutes/week of moderate or vigorous exercise) as assessed by remote activity and heart rate tracking for a 7-day period prior to study entry (general physical activity screening assessment via smart watch).
- BMI <40 kg/m2
Exclusion Criteria:
- Enrollment in any other program that may alter the impact of exercise on tumor outcomes (e.g., weight loss program)
- Any neoadjuvant anticancer treatment of any kind for prostate cancer in the last 5 years
- Any history of systemic anticancer therapy in the last 15 years
- Distant metastatic malignancy of any kind
- Any other condition or intercurrent illness that, in the opinion of the investigator, makes the subject a poor candidate for study participation
Location: Hartford Hospital though patients from HOCC, MMC and Backus can be referred to the HH coordinator for enrollment as most of the study is done remotely.
Contact: Amanda Katzman ([email protected], 860-331-3721))
Sponsor: MSK