Endometrial Cancer MSK 20-067

Observational Study of Women With Endometrial Cancer Who Receive the Standard Treatment for Their Disease
This study is being done to find out how often endometrial cancer recurs after the standard treatment as well as how often the standard treatment results in a lymphedema.
Eligibility Criteria:
Part 1:
  • Endometrioid adenocarcinoma histologic diagnosis on endometrial biopsy or dilatation and curettage confirmed at the enrolling institution
  • No evidence of extrauterine disease, or suspicious pelvic lymph nodes, or distant metastases, or cervical invasion on pre-operative conventional imaging studies (CT or MRI or sonogram or PET body scan) and physical examination (uterine confined by exam and imaging)
  • Planned surgical treatment including hysterectomy in combination with SLN biopsy
Part 2: 
  • Successful hysterectomy with removal of adnexa and bilateral negative pelvic SLN nodes
  • Final pathologic report shows: Stage I intermediate-risk endometrial endometrioid cancer (Grade 1 or Grade 2 with ≥ 50% myometrial invasion or Grade 3 with < 50% myometrial invasion) and negative pelvic peritoneal cytology 
  • No intra-operative detection of extra-uterine disease or grossly involved lymph nodes
This study is for patients age 18 and older. 
Available at: Hartford Hospital, Hospital of Central Connecticut